Dienstag, 30. April 2013

Monthly Report Mbale Branch

Hier veröffentliche ich meinen ersten Bericht 100 % im Uganda-Stil.
Inhalt: Ein Monat mit Mbale Red Cross Branch

Uganda Red Cross Society
Mbale Branch – P.O. Box 687



1.0 Introduction
This report comprises of the activities implemented, achievements attained, challenges, recommendations and conclusions drawn during the period of 2th to 30th of April 2013.

2.0 Summary of Activities
- Community Service
- Mobilisation in women groups
- Distribution of non-food and food-items
- Dissemination and Membership Recruitement
- Office Management & Meetings
- Mobilisation for a Senior Youth Camp
- Tree planting
- HIV/AIDS + sexuality sessions
- Disaster Management

3.0 Objectives
3.1 To spread Red Cross information and to strenghten the relationship between  the
       Links an the Mbale Red Cross Branch and their volunteers
3.2 To create awareness to reduce the transmission of HIV/AIDS among students
       through a project about HIV/AIDS and sexuality
3.3 To support most vulnerable families and give them support
3.4 To increase the membership base of the Uganda Red Cross Society
3.5 To provide first aid at events of public interest
3.6 To disseminate the Red Cross Information
3.7 To support the different links and women groups in their activities
3.8 To create friendship and a good-working atmosphere among different Red Cross

4.0 Activities in Detail

4.1 Disaster Managemet
The German Team was among the Volunteers working in the disaster struck area of Namabasa. Heavy rains destroyed a big number of houses and crops, therefore Uganda Red Cross Society established the exact number of households effected and distributed non-food and food-items.

4.2 Preparation
 & Mobilisation for a Senior Youth Camp

The Senior Youth Camp held from May 3rd to May 8th and organized by the Branch Youth Council is also supported by the German Team. Planning meetings were schedulded and the different Secondary Schools in Mbale assigned to Volunteers, who are in charge of mobilisation and follow-ups in those schools. The mobilisation exercise started after the distribution of invitation letters. In all of April the Volunteers were in charge of going to Secondary Schools for follow-ups on the letters, distributed in the month before.
The target of students attending the camp is set at above 100.

4.3 HIV/AIDS + Sexuality Sessions
During the month of April one session was held at Grace Secondary School. We could not continue with the program, because exams had started at the end of the month.

4.4 Dissemination & Membership Recruitement
Dissemination sessions were held at Bugisu High School, Maloko Secondary School, Mbale Progressive, Mbale College, Oxford Secondary School Mbale, Mbale Comprehensive, Mount Masaba High School, Mbale High School, Nkoma Secondary School, Viena Secondary School, University Link Mbale and a women group in Nakaloke. The total number of members recruited was not yet etablished at the filing of this report

4.5 Community Service
In April we supported the family of a member of the Branch Governing Board, Mbale Branch, wo had passed away after long sickness. The Branch provided tents, chairs and brought in a number of volunteers, who supported the burial.

4.6 Tree Planting
Red Cross Kumi Branch organized a Tree Planting-Activity as Income Generating Activity at Primary School. Therefore I supported the Branch to plant 1020 trees.
Our work has been very successfull.

5.0 Achievements
5.1 More and more students of Mbale Secondary Schools are interested in the Senior  Youth Camp, what means that we come closer to the target of 100 students.

6.0 Challenges
6.1 Heavy rainfalls cancelled my plans to visit women groups in Nakaloke
6.2 At the beginning I had to get familiar with the work of Mbale Branch, so I depended on the other volunteers, but I could always rely on their support.
6.3 Exams made it difficult for us to go for dissemination sessions regulary

7.0 Way Forward
7.1 As I go back to  Busia Branch, I want to share my experiences, made in Mbale Branch to improve the structures and strategies for doing some good work at Busia Branch.

8.0 Remarks
I am very grateful for this work during the month of April at Mbale Branch.
All members supported me a lot and gave me the feeling of working at Mbale Branch for a long time. They always included me in their work.
A lot of thanks to the Branch Manager Wamukota Stephen, the Branch Focal Person Magombe Kassim, the Focal Person Mubeenezzi Yonna and all the other volunteers, I really enjoyed my time at Mbale Branch.

Compiled by:                                                                                     Approved by,
Victoria Winkler (German volunteer)                                                   Date:
Date                                                                                                  Name:
Sign:                                                                                                  Sign:                       

Schäme sich der, der den Bericht nur überflogen hat!    :-)            

Die Bäume-Pflanz-Crew:              


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